Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Broiled Salmon and Pasta with Mussels

I made the yummiest dinner on Sunday.  Costco has these bags of black mussels, they are huge -- for about 12 bucks -- and I took them home and cleaned them.  I also bought an expensive slab of Salmon.  I marinated the salmon in olive oil, a bit of lemon, and salt and pepper and a touch of vermouth.  I also cleaned and then braised two bunches of rainbow chard.  For the mussels, I sautéed a diced onion and bulb and a half of peeled, crushed and chopped garlic.  I added chicken stock and vermouth and reduced it until it was about a third the height

I added the mussels after I cleaned them of beards and stuff and discarded all the broken ones or ones that wouldn't close.  I covered them and in no time at all they all opened.  As soon as they were opened I dressed barilla spaghetti with them.

They were absolutely delicious, and work beautifully with the salmon on the side.

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